The #1 Issue Facing Our Community
While Atlanta is rapidly growing, we are currently building at a 20,000 unit deficit for affordable housing. That's unacceptable. It’s time to take real action to create more affordable and stable housing for every Atlanta resident. As our next City Councilmember:
I will fight to adjust our inclusionary zoning policy - eliminating loopholes, adjusting Area Median Income affordability standards, and pushing for cost-protected permanently affordable units.
I will also fight to make sure we build more density along transit corridors and right of ways, and expand for soft density opportunities through Accessory Dwelling Units and R5 zoning.
I will fight for Community Benefit Agreements and tax protections for legacy residents and allow them to benefit from development rather than edge them out.
Housing is the number one issue we need to address, but it is only part of our overall affordability crisis. Long-term, sustainable solutions must have a holistic approach for Atlantans at all income levels. As our next City Councilmember:
I will expand workforce housing so that our first responders and city employees can afford to live in the communities they serve.
I will advocate for a housing-first approach for our unsheltered population, with low-barrier shelters and housing placement programs, as well as wrap-around services that will help them succeed long term.
I will continue to fight for a $15 minimum wage within the City of Atlanta, by lobbying the state to end its preemption laws.
I will partner with Atlanta Public Schools and our Labor community to expand our Youth Builds and apprenticeship programs so that we are setting kids up for success.